Like many other engaged couples right now, this is probably your first time planning a wedding, and you are probably wondering what on earth to include in your invitations other than your names and the date. It's an important thing to think about because you want to make sure your guests have all the info so either they or you, don't need to get back in touch to ask or tell an important detail. Bearing this in mind, today's blog post is all about what to include in your wedding invitation, and where to draw in line and stay schtum!

Every invitation has several key sections:
The main invitation
The more information
There may also be extras you decide to include, such as an itinerary or map, However, today I will go through the first three of these separately.
The important bits
The main invitation is the main part of your invitation. For this you will have to include the most important bits:
A guest's names or a 'to line', so your guests know who within that household is being invited. If you are inviting certain people from a household or a relationship, this is very important
Your names
The date that you will be getting married
The time of your wedding
Where you will be getting married, with an address.
I would also encourage you to write an RSVP date here too

More Info Section
The more information section is there for any information other than the key details I mentioned above. What information will help your guests on the day or you would like to tell them? The trick is to give them enough details that they don't send you messages asking questions, but not to bombard them. You also need to predict any issues they might come across.
The key things to include are:
Details about gifts, even if you don't want any gifts, tell them this, or ask for a charity donation, which I always think is a great idea!
If children aren't invited
Accommodation. Is it at your venue, or elsewhere? Remember, guests can find hotels online, you don't need to tell them
Details about transport, or when, or if return transport will need to be booked/pre-booked by.
Parking. If you are having a church wedding parking is often an issue and you might want to direct your guests to parking places or advise them to allow extra time. Additionally, does your venue have a time when cars need to be moved by the following day?
If you are having a wedding in a marquee, off the beaten track, or your guests will need to bring things with them include information about this, too. Again, include the key things that will help them, not everything.
If you are having a weekend wedding, you might also want to consider check-in dates and times, what they are expected, or could do before and after the wedding, details about group meals and any extras you are supplying for them.

Be it an email RSVP, link or QR code to a website, or a physical reply postcard, you need to make sure you have asked everything you will need to know from your guests, again, to save you from having to get back in touch with them.
The key things to include are:
The date you want your guests to reply by
Dietary requirements or an other requirements line
For a physical RSVP you will need a space for your guests to write their names so you know who the RSVP is from!
For a physical RSVP I would recommend adding another way your guests can reply, such as an email address. This will help those who like to do everything at the last minute get back to you on time (or as close to it as they can manage!

Many weddings follow the same rules, but not all, so if your wedding needs a little more thought, please get in touch. I am very happy to run through the details and recommend a specific list of things to include.
I hope that's a helpful insight into the world of wedding invitations!
Have a lovely weekend, everyone! I have family over, fun!
